Audrey Larin

Content Strategist


Audrey is an individual brimming with curiosity and artistic prowess, possessing a diverse range of creative talents. Driven by her innate creativity, she embarked on an educational journey at Concordia University, earning a coveted Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Fueling her passion for exploration, she furthered her studies at the prestigious University of Paris 1: Panthéon-Sorbonne, delving deeper into her technical and conceptual skills. This immersive educational experience not only enriched her artistic acumen but also provided an exhilarating opportunity for Audrey to embrace a new and captivating culture.

In 2021, Audrey discovered her new passion in the realm of digital marketing. Driven by her insatiable thirst for knowledge, she embarked on a journey as a communications assistant at an artist-run center. Motivated by her newfound inspiration, Audrey made the decision to further her education in digital marketing at Concordia University.

Driven by her passion for challenges, Audrey ensures that each project she leads at Ateliers Jacob is completed with enthusiasm and dedication. She derives immense satisfaction from collaborating with a diverse and dynamic marketing team, composed of individuals who share her fervor for the ever-changing world of design and digital marketing.

Beyond her marketing endeavors, Audrey seizes every chance to embark on exciting travel escapades. Whether she is hiking in the mountains, surfing or discovering new cultures, she enjoys these enriching experiences and enjoys relaxing with family and friends over a meal or a cup of coffee. Audrey’s creativity knows no bounds, as she channels her artistic spirit through various outlets such as music, drawing, and leatherwork. Furthermore, Audrey is committed to personal growth and actively engages in volunteer projects.